
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Christ as Husband: Man as Husband

Watch this marvelous description of what it means to be two in one flesh as Martin Brenner discusses  Christ as Bridegroom in the Sacrifice and of being "given up" for His Bride, the Church here.
He says that if husbands can't see themselves as bridegrooms who sacrifice themselves, being "given up" for their own brides regarding contraception, this is a denial of likeness to Christ as Bridegroom of His Mystical Bride. If husbands and wives, or men and women in general, in becoming one flesh,  refuse the model of Christ as a sacrificing husband, we cannot mirror what our sacramental marriage is intended to mirror on earth. (my interpretation of what he's saying).

He says that 70% of priests are said to reject the teaching of Humanae Vitae, while 90% of Catholics reject it, and this is a reflection of the original sin of the rebellious angels.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Julie! Coincidentally, I've just reviewed Christopher West's "Fill These Hearts" on my blog. It talks about these same concepts. I thought you might be interested. :-)
