
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012: what I am most thankful for

This year, I'm most thankful that I am no longer a slave to my appetite for food. One way of dealing with cancer is to change one's lifestyle, and that change has resulted in healthy eating habits that have resulted in a loss of over thirty pounds so far.

This is the first Thanksgiving in my entire life that I didn't stuff myself with all kinds of goodies, and stuff myself again a few hours after the first feast, only to feel very miserable and even slightly sick later.

While my entire blog has been dedicated to trying to demonstrate that slavery to sex-- either one's own appetite or someone else's via a partner, married or not-- it's amazing that I am the unexpected recipient of freedom from that one appetite, food, that has held me bound, well, for as long as I can remember!

So, this new freedom regarding food, that I am in charge of what I eat rather than "it" being in charge of me, is what a human being is meant to experience regarding all human appetites. In all my imaginings, I never would have imagined I would be free in this particular area of my life.

Now, more than ever, then, I continue to say, freedom from enslavement to the sexual appetite is worth whatever it takes to gain it, and freedom from any appetite is also worth whatever it takes.

Imagine how life could be if, instead of harming oneself because there is no other way to exist with a particular appetite, we humans freely chose what to do and when and with whom, not based on addiction to pleasure, our own or someone else's. Imagine that we chose based on what is truly good alone: good for the other person, good for the one choosing, and good for the whole, whether that be a family or a society.

Imagine a life where intellect and reason are the dictates, not slavish appetites. Now THAT is how it's meant to be to be human, not mere animals whose lives are dictated by instinct, not freedom of choice.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, and His love is everlasting. . . 

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