
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Celebrating Natural Family Planning: Pro-Woman, Pro-Man

This week is Natural Family Planning week, and blogger CC Mamma sent out a great description of how working with a woman's natural fertility cycle works vs. how the Pill works, hormones and all. I thought it was nicely done, and you might like to take a look, especially if you've not heard of pro-woman, pro-man natural family planning. .

Otherwise known as NFP, this way of living married sexual love is one that RESPECTS how a woman is created, not treating our fertility as a bad thing, but a beautiful part of WHO WE ARE. It is the truly RESPONS-ible choice, contrary to popular hype that requires anything but respons-ability, either from woman (whose libido/desire is all too often dulled by the Pill and even the IUD) or from the man (wearing a you- know- what). Duh!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! great post. Thanks for sharing a very interesting and informative content, it is a big help to me and to others as well, keep it up!
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